Is Menopause dominating your life?
Weight Gain
Mood Swings
Lack Motivation
Hair Loss
Low Concentration
Low Libido
Painful Intercourse
Dry Skin
Hot Flashes
Bad Sleep
The Solution is Simple
Bio Identical Hormones
Derived from natural sources
Identical to the hormones made by your body
Potential Longterm Benefits
Reduced risk of osteoporosis,
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular disease,
Protection against dementia and cognitive decline
Improved mood and feeling of wellness
Better Safety
Better Tolerated than synthetic hormones
Safer than synthetic hormones - less side effects​
Symptom Relief
Alleviate menopausal and peri-menopausal symptoms
Say goodbye to hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and reduced libido.
Hormones We Balance
Prevents Osteoporosis
Supports Heart Health
Alleviates Vaginal Dryness
Alleviates painful intercourse
Decreases dry skin
Promotes Relaxation
Promotes improved sleep
Decreases night sweats
Improves mood
Improves energy levels
Increases motivation
Improves libido
Promotes conversion of fat to muscle
Prevents abdominal fat accumulation​
Thyroid: T3/T4
Regulate Metabolism
Ability to loose weight
Regulate temperature
Improve Dry Skin
Water Retention
Improved Muscle Strength
Improved mood and overall feeling of wellness
Highly Antinflamatory
Promoted Longevity
Regulates Blood Pressure
Regulates Chronic Stress
Appropiate levels aid in ability to loose weight​